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          滑鼠左鍵雙擊講演稿內容切換豎橫排 文字檔下載:docpdf    

    2018年英國威爾士孝親報恩祭祖大典致辭  英國威爾士三一聖大衛大學 麥迪文.休斯校長  (第二集)  2018/8/31  英國威爾士三一聖大衛大學蘭彼得校區  檔名525830002

      This afternoon here we have the opportunity of celebrating and recognising the importance of tradition and paying respect to our ancestors.


      The distinctive features of the Academy of Sinology are that it bridges the traditions of the East and the West. When the Venerable Master decided to establish an institute here in the United Kingdom, and here in Wales, he was mindful of the importance of the cultural traditions that we the Welsh also share with colleagues across the world, for tradition focuses upon meaning, collective meaning, and identity.


      Today, we celebrate and remember our ancestors. We celebrate a Chinese traditional culture that is relevant to the world. We all have a duty to remember, we all have duty to recall, to give thanks for what has been, to give thanks to all we have from our ancestors, from our family, from our own tradition.


      We live in a global village, a global village through technology, through Internet that allows us to link the East and the West in seconds. But we should also remember in linking the East and the West that we pay regard to those traditions, those traditions that date back five six thousand years. Today, the ceremony that you will observe and some of us will take part in, is an opportunity to bridge the traditions of the Eastern world and our own culture.


      Sometimes we forget the importance of symbols, of practice, of customs. These are the collective memories that we have, as individuals, as civilisations that mark us as individuals and people.


      The ancestral ceremony that you will observe today is an opportunity for us all to mark, to show respect to our ancestors, and to realise that the boundaries of time has no meaning in the context of love, of partnerships and of understanding between individuals.


      Our memories are important. Our collective memories are key. Our future is based upon a better common understanding of where we came from, what we stand for, and what are the values that we want to send to a new modern world.


      Cultural and religious diversity promotes a sense of belonging, and that belonging is at the heart of a harmonious world, of coming together, of civilisations, of traditions and cultures, to find a common course, a common purpose.


    ’m mindful of the Four Givings, that we have heard so much from the Venerable Master in his dharma talks, focuses upon the joy of giving faith, of giving joy and happiness, of giving hope and of giving convenience.


      And that’s we today give thanks for our ancestors and for all they represented in our history, and ‘in our’ being we should also focus upon the Four Givings, not only for the past, but also for our future.


      In my Christian tradition, faith, hope and love is at the heart of my belief, and thus we know from the various faith traditions here, the concept of love is essential to them all.


      The customs that you will observe today, the symbols that we see, will all remind us of the importance of linking the past to who we are today and to secure a better future for tomorrow.


      The body and mind clearly states, if you believe and let go, then you can create a better tomorrow. And it is that what we focus on today. The ancestral ceremony is celebrating the past and thanking for the past. But we also focus on tomorrow, on creating a better world. And we hope and pray that the linking the traditions of the past will secure us a better understanding for creating a world of peace and of harmony. It is at the heart of the work of the Venerable Master and of the institute of sinology.


      We give thanks to the Venerable Master for the support that he has given in establishing in the United Kingdom an academy, an academy that bridges the East and the West, and that allows us to focus upon the best of our cultural traditions.


      The students of this academy are about to graduate. Some will leave Wales, some will leave the United Kingdom. But they go back to their own countries, and they are ambassadors, ambassadors for peace, for love and for harmony. I hope the experience of this academy has supported them on their journey.


      And now we remember, remember our ancestors, the global ancestors that linked different traditions and we give thanks for what they gave to us. Diolch yn fawr.



