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Essentials of Pure Land Buddhism—How to attain rebirth in Pure Land?  (Episode 14)  2018/1/10  No:29-509-0014_en

  Can we attain rebirth in Pure Land? This is a good question. If you cannot attain rebirth after learning Buddhism, you accomplish nothing in this life. Whether you can attain rebirth or not depends on yourself. You can attain rebirth if you have firm belief and vow. If you see it as a joke and don’t learn Buddhism seriously, you cannot attain rebirth in Pure Land. The conditions of attaining rebirth in Pure Land are belief, vow, and practice. The first condition is to believe that Pure Land truly exists. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas never lie. Do not misunderstand them. If you think Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would cheat people, you are totally wrong.

  The second condition is taking vow to attain rebirth in Pure Land. The place is fantastic. Why don’t you go? With firm belief and vow, you are qualified to and will definitely attain rebirth in Pure Land.


