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Essentials of Pure Land Buddhism—How to accumulate blessings?  (Episode 9)  2018/1/3  No:29-509-0009_en

  To accumulate virtue is the first merit in Buddhism. If you follow the instructions correctly, you are accumulating blessings and saving Buddhism. If you pursue personal fame and profits, you will fall into Hell. You will never know the truth until you fall into Hell. This is too torturing and unworthy to try.


  How to accumulate blessings? No one knows. Everyone knows. Everyone doesn’t know. By reciting “Amitabha”. What is the greatest blessing? Reciting “Amitabha” to attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land is the greatest blessing. So I say everyone knows and doesn’t know. They know when they learn the truth, but they don’t if no one tells them.


