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Essentials of Pure Land Buddhism—What is religion?  (Episode 7)  2018/1/2  No:29-509-0007_en

  Europe did experience a peaceful and prosperous age in the past, though it didn’t last very long. What led to that peaceful and prosperous age? Religion. After all, people who believe in religion, the gods or God would think twice before doing anything bad so that they would not go too far. The past century saw great progress in science. Scientists have been telling people that God and religion are unreal. So people gave up religion and no longer believed in it. This resulted in social disorder.


  How can society return to peace that reigned? Only by reviving religion can society be saved. This is because, unlike the Chinese, they do not have Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. They rely on religion. This is why we have to discuss this issue in depth. How to revive religion? By bringing it back to education. It is necessary to understand clearly what religion in fact is. What is religion? It is education. Religion preceded civilisation in history. It bred civilisation. Without religion as the basis of civilisation, no civilisation would last longer than three hundred years.


