法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360
編 號:QZDE-0413
描 述:Without propriety, acts of benevolence, righteousness, and virtues cannot be realized. Using teachings that contain no propriety to impart sagely values to the society will inevitably create discrepancies. Without propriety, quarrels and debates about what is right or wrong cannot be resolved fairly. Further, the roles and relationship played by leaders and subordinates, parents and children, as well as among siblings cannot be determined without the stipulation of propriety. In learning how to run a good administration or other areas of study, failing to observe propriety will make teachers slack in their teachings and students inattentive toward their studies. It will be difficult to foster a close bond between teachers and students. Be it the drawing of tables of government ranks or the organization of the army, the appointment of officials to task or the excution of law: if they are not done according to the proper protocol, they will lose their dignity and the confidence of the people. Whether it is a regular or special memorial service for the deceased, or a ceremony for making offerings to the gods and spirits, if these were not done in accordance to proper rites and rituals. Scroll 7: Li Ji(譯:道德仁義,非禮不成;教訓正俗,非禮不備;分爭辨訟,非禮不決;君臣上下,父子兄弟,非禮不定;宦學事師,非禮不親;班朝治軍,蒞官行法,非禮威嚴不行;禱祠祭祀,供給鬼神,非禮不誠不莊。(卷七 禮記))