法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360
編 號:QZDE-0373
描 述:In my opinion, the powerful state of Qin has not attacked our state (of Zhao) because both of us are here. Now if we, the two tigers, have conflicts and fight among ourselves, we will no longer be able to work side by side. The reason why I am doing this is because I am putting the country's safety before my personal feelings." Scroll 12: Shi Ji, Vol.2(譯:顧吾念之,強秦之所以不敢加兵於趙者,徒以吾兩人在也。今兩虎鬥,其勢不俱生。吾所以為此,先公家之急,而後私讎也。(卷十二 史記下))