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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0371

描       述:The notable politician, thinker and Confucian scholar, Lu Jia, who lived during the Han dynasty, commented that: "When the world is at peace, pay attention to the prime minister. When the world is in crisis or at war, pay attention to the general. When the prime minister and the general can work together in harmony, virtuous people will come around and pledge their allegiance. When this happens, power will not be divided even when the world is undergoing change." Scroll 16: Han Shu, Vol.4(譯:賈曰:「天下安,注意相;天下危,注意將。將相和,則士豫附;士豫附,天下雖有變,則權不分。」(卷十六 漢書四))





