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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0353

描       述:If a ruler knows he must put forward a policy of austerity but does not know he must increase the remuneration for his staff at the same time, the practice of cheating and bribery will ensue. When he knows he must increase the remuneration for his staffs but does not know he must reduce the number of staffs, the government will soon run out of money. When he knows he must reduce the number of staffs but does not motivate the remaining staffs to optimize their efforts, the increased workload will make the shortage of staffs obvious. Scroll 47: Liu Yi Zheng Lun(譯:故知清而不知所以重其祿者,則欺而濁;知重其祿,而不知所以少其吏者,則竭而不足;知少其吏,而不知所以盡其力者,則事繁而職闕。(卷四十七 劉廙政論))





