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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0393

描       述:When Zichan governed the state of Zheng, the populace was not able to deceive him. When Zijian governed the county of Shan Fu, the populace did not have the heart to deceive him. When Xi Menbao governed the county of Ye, the populace did not dare to deceive him. Who among these three governors had the highest ability and wisdom? A wise and perceptive leader should be able to tell the difference and come up with the answer. Scroll 12: Shi Ji, Vol.2(譯:子產治鄭,民不能欺;子賤治單父,人不忍欺;西門豹治鄴,人不敢欺。三子之才能,誰最賢哉?辦治者當能別之。(卷十二 史記下))





