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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0309

描       述:He imparted to them the principles of propriety and righteousness; he ran a lean government which adjusted its policies as necessary to reflect changing circumstances; he was sincere and fair in making decisions. If a political adversary was loyal and beneficial to the country, premier Zhuge would reward him. If a trusted aide broke the law and neglected his duty, he would punish him. Those who repented their errors would be sentenced less severely even though their offenses were serious. But those who tried to talk their way out of their offenses were sentenced more severely even though their offenses were slight. No matter how small a contribution might be he would give recognition to those who deserved it; no matter how small an offense might be he would impose punishment on the offenders. He was a master in administration, as he would resolve problems at the root, with proper and recognized procedures that gave no allowance to sham and hypocrisy. In the end, all the people in Shu (kingdom) venerated premier Zhuge. Although the laws imposed by him were strict, the people did not utter any grievances because he was fair and honorable, as the parameters of rewards and prohibitions were clearly defined. Zhuge Liang was truly a remarkable politician and administrator, comparable to the caliber of Guan Zhong and xiao He-r. Scroll 27: Shu Zhi(譯:諸葛亮之為相國也,撫百姓,示義軌,約官職,從權制,開誠心,布公道。盡忠益時者,雖讎必賞;犯法怠慢者,雖親必罰,服罪輸情者,雖重必釋;遊辭巧飾者,雖輕必戮。善無微而不賞,惡無纖而不貶。庶事精練,物理其本,循名責實,虛偽不齒。終於邦域之內,咸畏而愛之。刑政雖峻,而無怨者,以其用心平,而勸戒明也。可謂識治之良才,管蕭之亞匹矣。(卷二十七 蜀志))





