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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0305

描       述:The standards of benevolence, righteousness, and propriety form the roots of the administration. The standards of law and punishment form the offshoots of an administration. Without the roots, a nation cannot be established. Without the offshoots a nation cannot be developed. To engage propriety and righteous principles to guide a nation, the administration must first implement benevolent rule and lead the people to nurture respects and humility, making them akin to proper conducts without being aware that this is happening. Scroll 50: Yuan Zi Zheng Shu(譯:夫仁義禮制者,治之本也;法令刑罰者,治之末也。無本者不立,無末者不成。夫禮教之治,先之以仁義,示之以敬讓,使民遷善日用而不知也。(卷五十 袁子正書))





