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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0301

描       述:The book of Tuan Zhuan said:"In the oracle named 'family members': A woman has her correct place on the inside, a man has his correct place on the outside. This is the great equitable way of heaven and earth. Each family is headed by 'leaders'--a term referring to the father and the mother--who are serious and principled. When parents fulfill their duties as parents; when children fulfill their duties as children; when elder brothers fulfill their duties as elder brothers; when younger brothers fulfill their duties as younger brothers; when a husband fulfills his duties as a husband; when a wife fulfills her duties as a wife, then the family will live in harmony. When all families live in harmony, the whole world will become stable and harmonious." Scroll 1: Zhou Yi(譯:《彖》曰:家人,女正位乎內,男正位乎外,天地之大義也。家人有嚴君焉,父母之謂也。父父、子子、兄兄、弟弟、夫夫、婦婦,而家道正,正家而天下定矣。(卷一 周易))





