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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0289

描       述:The governing principles of King Wen and King Wu are recorded in the classics. Rulers such as them enable a benevolent government to be formed. Without rulers like them, benevolent governments will cease to exist. Hence, the key to forming a good government is in having good people to run the government, and good people will be drawn to leaders who are able and virtuous, whose character is in line with the principles of morality and ethics grounded in benevolence. Scroll 10: Kong Zi Jia Yu(譯:文武之政,布在方策。其人存,則其政舉;其人亡,則其政息。故為政在於得人。取人以身,修身以道,修道以仁。(卷十 孔子家語))





