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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0265

描       述:Walking in the company of good people is like walking into a room full of fragrant lilies. After a while we cannot smell the fragrance as if we have become part of the fragrance. Walking in the company of unsavory people is like walking into a shop that sells salted fish. Therefore, a superior person must choose carefully whom he befriends. Scroll 10: Kong Zi Jia Yu(譯:故曰:與善人居,如入芝蘭之室,久而不聞其香,即與之化矣;與不善人居,如入鮑魚之肆,久而不聞其奧,亦與之化矣。是以君子必慎其所與者焉。(卷十 孔子家語))





